
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Handy Tools for Distributed Computing (HanDist) project.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available to you under
 * the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which accompanies this
 * distribution,
 * and is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
package handist.collections.dist;

import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import apgas.util.GlobalID;
import handist.collections.dist.util.IntLongPair;
import handist.collections.dist.util.LazyObjectReference;
import handist.collections.function.SerializableConsumer;

 * Interface representing the most basic characteristics of a distributed
 * collection
 * @author Patrick Finnerty
 * @param <T> type of the object contained in the distributed collection
 * @param <C> the underlying collection itself (used for reflective operations)
public interface DistributedCollection<T, C extends DistributedCollection<T, C>> {

    static int _debug_level = 5;

    // @TransientInitExpr(getLocalData())

    // TODO keep these members in implementations
    // final GlobalID id;
    // public transient float[] locality;
    // public final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup; // may be packed into T? or
    // globalID??

     * Ensure calling updateDist() before balance() balance() should be called in
     * all places

    public default void balanceSpecCheck(final float[] balance) {
        if (balance.length != placeGroup().size) {
            throw new RuntimeException("[AbstractDistCollection");

     * Destroy an instance of AbstractDistCollection.
    public default void destroy() {

     * Performs the specified action on every instance contained by the local handle
     * of this distributed collection.
     * @param action action to perform on each instance
    public void forEach(SerializableConsumer<T> action);

     * getter method of the satellite {@code DistCollectionSatellite} object.
     * @return the collection's satellite

    public abstract <S extends DistCollectionSatellite<C, S>> S getSatellite(/* Object key */);

     * Places the local size of each local handle of the distributed object in the
     * provided array
     * @param result the array inside which the result will be places, it should
     *               have the same length as the number of places in the place group
     *               on which the distributed collection operates
    // this method is now implemented in GlobalOperations and TeamOperations
    // abstract public void distSize(long[] result);

     * Returns a handle to global operations of a distributed collection
     * @return handle to "global" operations
    public GlobalOperations<T, C> global();

     * Retuns the global ID that identifies this distributed collection on all hosts
     * @return {@link GlobalID} of this distributed collection
    public GlobalID id();

     * Returns the locality of the distributed collection
     * @return float array representing the locality of the distributed collection
    public float[] locality();

     * Returns the size of the number of elements in each place.
     * @return the size in {@long}
    public abstract long longSize();

    // TODO
    // public abstract void integrate(T src);

    public abstract void moveAtSyncCount(final ArrayList<IntLongPair> moveList, final MoveManager mm) throws Exception;

     * Performs the specified action on every instance contained by the local handle
     * of this distributed collection in parallel.
     * @param action action to perform on each instance
    public void parallelForEach(SerializableConsumer<T> action);

     * Return the PlaceGroup on which this distributed collection was built
     * @return PlaceGroup.
    public TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup();

     * public final def printAllData(){ for(p in placeGroup){ at(p){
     * printLocalData(); } } }

     * setter method of the satellite {@code DistCollectionSatellite} object.
     * @param satellite the new satellite collection from here onwards
    public abstract <S extends DistCollectionSatellite<C, S>> void setSatellite(S satellite);

     * Returns a handle to teamed operations of a distributed collection
     * @return handle to "teamed" operations
    public TeamOperations<T, C> team();

     * Method used to create an object which will be transferred to a remote place.
     * <p>
     * This method is present in interface {@link DistributedCollection} to force
     * the implementation in implementing classes. Implementation should return a
     * {@link LazyObjectReference} instance capable of initializing the local handle
     * of the implementing class on the remote place
     * @return a {@link LazyObjectReference} of the implementing class (left to
     *         programmer's good-will)
     * @throws ObjectStreamException if such an exception is thrown during the
     *                               process
    abstract public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException;