* Copyright (c) 2021 Handy Tools for Distributed Computing (HanDist) project.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available to you under
* the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution,
* and is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
package handist.collections.dist;
import static apgas.Constructs.*;
import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import apgas.Place;
import apgas.util.GlobalID;
import handist.collections.ElementOverlapException;
import handist.collections.LongRange;
import handist.collections.RangedList;
import handist.collections.dist.util.LazyObjectReference;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectInput;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectOutput;
import handist.collections.function.DeSerializer;
import handist.collections.function.Serializer;
public class DistCol<T> extends DistChunkedList<T> implements ElementLocationManagable<LongRange> {
private static int _debug_level = 5;
* Internal class that handles distribution-related operations.
protected final transient ElementLocationManager<LongRange> ldist;
* Function kept and used when the local handle does not contain the specified
* index in method {@link #get(long)}. This proxy will return a value to be
* returned by the {@link #get(long)} method rather than throwing an
* {@link Exception}.
private Function<Long, T> proxyGenerator;
* Create a new DistCol. All the hosts participating in the distributed
* computation are susceptible to handle the created instance. This constructor
* is equivalent to calling {@link #DistCol(TeamedPlaceGroup)} with
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup#getWorld()} as argument.
public DistCol() {
* Constructor for {@link DistCol} whose handles are restricted to the
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} passed as parameter.
* @param placeGroup the places on which the DistCol will hold handles.
public DistCol(final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup) {
this(placeGroup, new GlobalID());
* Private constructor by which the locality and the GlobalId associated with
* the {@link DistChunkedList} are explicitly given. This constructor should
* only be used internally when creating the local handle of a DistCol already
* created on a remote place. Calling this constructor with an existing
* {@link GlobalID} which is already linked with existing and potentially
* different objects could prove disastrous.
* @param placeGroup the hosts on which the distributed collection the created
* instance may have handles on
* @param id the global id used to identify all the local handles
private DistCol(final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup, final GlobalID id) {
this(placeGroup, id, (TeamedPlaceGroup pg, GlobalID gid) -> new DistCol<>(pg, gid));
protected DistCol(final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup, final GlobalID id,
BiFunction<TeamedPlaceGroup, GlobalID, ? extends DistChunkedList<T>> lazyCreator) {
super(placeGroup, id, lazyCreator);
ldist = new ElementLocationManager<>();
public void add(final RangedList<T> c) throws ElementOverlapException {
public void add_unchecked(RangedList<T> c) {
public void clear() {
// the current implementation assumes TEAMED operation of clear() and
// does not support the situation where clear() is only called on some places.
* Return the value corresponding to the specified index.
* If the specified index is not located on this place, a
* {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} will be raised, except if a proxy generator
* was set for this instance, in which case the value generated by the proxy is
* returned.
* @param index index whose value needs to be retrieved
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is not contained in
* this local collection and no proxy was
* defined
* @return the value corresponding to the provided index, or the value generated
* by the proxy if it was defined and the specified index is outside the
* range of indices of this local instance
* @see #setProxyGenerator(Function)
public T get(long index) {
if (proxyGenerator == null) {
return super.get(index);
} else {
try {
return super.get(index);
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return proxyGenerator.apply(index);
* Map<LongRange, Integer> getDiff() { return ldist.diff; }
public ConcurrentHashMap<LongRange, Place> getDist() {
return ldist.dist;
public LongDistribution getDistributionLong() {
return LongDistribution.convert(getDist());
public LongRangeDistribution getRangedDistributionLong() {
return new LongRangeDistribution(getDist());
public void getSizeDistribution(long[] result) {
for (final Map.Entry<LongRange, Place> entry : ldist.dist.entrySet()) {
final LongRange k = entry.getKey();
final Place p = entry.getValue();
result[manager.placeGroup.rank(p)] += k.size();
protected void moveAtSync(final List<RangedList<T>> cs, final Place dest, final MoveManager mm) {
if (_debug_level > 5) {
System.out.print("[" + here().id + "] moveAtSync List[RangedList[T]]: ");
for (final RangedList<T> rl : cs) {
System.out.print("" + rl.getRange() + ", ");
System.out.println(" dest: " + dest.id);
if (dest.equals(here())) {
final DistCol<T> toBranch = this; // using plh@AbstractCol
final Serializer serialize = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
final ArrayList<Byte> keyTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (final RangedList<T> c : cs) {
keyTypeList.add(ldist.moveOut(c.getRange(), dest));
final DeSerializer deserialize = (ObjectInput ds) -> {
final List<Byte> keyTypeList = (List<Byte>) ds.readObject();
final Iterator<Byte> keyTypeListIt = keyTypeList.iterator();
final List<RangedList<T>> chunks = (List<RangedList<T>>) ds.readObject();
for (final RangedList<T> c : chunks) {
final byte keyType = keyTypeListIt.next();
final LongRange key = c.getRange();
if (_debug_level > 5) {
System.out.println("[" + here() + "] putForMove key: " + key + " keyType: " + keyType);
toBranch.putForMove(c, keyType);
mm.request(dest, serialize, deserialize);
private void putForMove(final RangedList<T> c, final byte mType) throws Exception {
final LongRange key = c.getRange();
switch (mType) {
case ElementLocationManager.MOVE_NEW:
case ElementLocationManager.MOVE_OLD:
throw new Exception("SystemError when calling putForMove " + key);
public RangedList<T> remove(final LongRange r) {
return super.remove(r);
public RangedList<T> remove(final RangedList<T> c) {
return this.remove(c.getRange());
private void removeForMove(final LongRange r) {
if (super.remove(r) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("DistCol#removeForMove");
* Sets this instance's proxy generator.
* The proxy feature is used to prepare an element when access to an index that
* is not contained in the local range. Instead of throwing an
* {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}, the value generated by the proxy will be
* used. It resembles `getOrDefault(key, defaultValue)`.
* @param proxyGenerator function that takes a {@link Long} index as parameter
* and returns a T
public void setProxyGenerator(Function<Long, T> proxyGenerator) {
this.proxyGenerator = proxyGenerator;
public void updateDist() {
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
final TeamedPlaceGroup pg1 = manager.placeGroup;
final GlobalID id1 = id();
return new LazyObjectReference<>(pg1, id1, () -> {
return new DistCol<>(pg1, id1);