package handist.collections.dist;

import static apgas.Constructs.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

import apgas.Place;
import apgas.util.GlobalID;
import handist.collections.ChunkedList;
import handist.collections.LongRange;
import handist.collections.RangedList;
import handist.collections.dist.util.LazyObjectReference;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectInput;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectOutput;
import handist.collections.function.DeSerializer;
import handist.collections.function.DeSerializerUsingPlace;
import handist.collections.function.LongTBiConsumer;
import handist.collections.function.SerializableBiConsumer;
import handist.collections.function.Serializer;

public class CachableChunkedList<T> extends DistCol<T> {

//    static class Team<S> extends TeamOperations<S, CachableChunkedList<S>> {
//        /**
//         * Super constructor. Needs to be called by all implementations to initialize
//         * the necessary members common to all Team handles.
//         *
//         * @param localObject local handle of the distributed collection
//         */
//        public Team(CachableChunkedList<S> localObject) {
//            super(localObject);
//        }
//        @Override
//        public void gather(Place root) {
//            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CachableChunkedList does not support gather().");
//        }
//        @Override
//        public void teamedBalance(CollectiveMoveManager mm) {
//            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CachableChunkedList does not support balance operations.");
//        }
//    }

    protected ChunkedList<T> shared = new ChunkedList<>();
    protected HashMap<RangedList<T>, Place> shared2owner = new HashMap<>();

    public CachableChunkedList(final TeamedPlaceGroup pg) {
        this(pg, new GlobalID());

    private CachableChunkedList(final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup, final GlobalID id) {
        super(placeGroup, id, (TeamedPlaceGroup pg, GlobalID gid) -> new CachableChunkedList<>(pg, gid));

    private void addNewShared(Place owner, List<RangedList<T>> chunks) {
        for (final RangedList<T> chunk : chunks) {
            if (!owner.equals(here())) {
            shared2owner.put(chunk, owner);

    private void addNewShared(Place owner, RangedList<T> chunk) {
        if (!owner.equals(here())) {
        shared2owner.put(chunk, owner);

    public <U> void allreduce(Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        allreduce(new ArrayList<>(ranges()), pack, unpack); // TODO: not good, copying ranges to arraylist

    public <U> void allreduce(Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack, CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        allreduce(new ArrayList<>(ranges()), pack, unpack, mm); // TODO: not good, copying ranges to arraylist

    public <U> void allreduce(List<LongRange> ranges, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        allreduce(ranges, pack, unpack, mm);

     * conduct allreduce operation on shared chunks in the given range. Note: please
     * use the same ranges in all the places.
     * @param ranges the list of ranges in which chunks are applied to the
     *               operation.
     * @param pack   the function that receives an element and extracts data that
     *               will be transferred to other places and be reduced by the
     *               unpack operation.
     * @param unpack the function that receives a local element and the transferred
     *               data from each place and conducts reduction operation to the
     *               local element.
     * @param mm     the collective relocator to manage serialize process
     * @param <U>    the type of the extracted data
    public <U> void allreduce(List<LongRange> ranges, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack,
            CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        final List<RangedList<T>> chunks = searchSharedChunks(ranges);
        final Serializer serProcess = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
            for (final RangedList<T> chunk : chunks) {
                chunk.forEach((T elem) -> {
        final DeSerializerUsingPlace desProcess = (ObjectInput ds, Place place) -> {
            for (final RangedList<T> chunk : chunks) {
                chunk.forEach((T elem) -> {
                    final U diff = (U) ds.readObject();
                    unpack.accept(elem, diff);
        mm.request(serProcess, desProcess);

    private void assertUnshared(LongRange r) {
        if (!searchSharedChunks(Collections.singletonList(r)).isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("CachableChunkedList found shared chunks in range: " + r);

    public <U> void bcast(Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        bcast((LongRange) null, pack, unpack);

    public <U> void bcast(Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack, CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        bcast((LongRange) null, pack, unpack, mm);

    public <U> void bcast(List<LongRange> ranges, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        bcast(ranges, pack, unpack, mm);

     * conduct broadcast operation on chunks that are already shared within the
     * place group. The user must call each of the broadcast methods of a cachable
     * chunked list in all the place belonging to the place group.
     * @param ranges
     * @param pack
     * @param unpack
     * @param mm
     * @param <U>
    public <U> void bcast(List<LongRange> ranges, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack,
            CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        final List<RangedList<T>> chunks = searchSharedChunks(here(), ranges);
        final Serializer serProcess = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
            for (final RangedList<T> chunk : chunks) {
                chunk.forEach((T elem) -> {
        final DeSerializerUsingPlace desProcess = (ObjectInput ds, Place p) -> {
            if (p.equals(here())) {
            final List<LongRange> rangesX = (List<LongRange>) ds.readObject();
            final List<RangedList<T>> receiving = searchSharedChunks(p, rangesX);
            for (final RangedList<T> chunk : receiving) {
                chunk.forEach((T elem) -> {
                    final U diff = (U) ds.readObject();
                    unpack.accept(elem, diff);
        mm.request(serProcess, desProcess);

    public <U> void bcast(LongRange range, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        bcast(range, pack, unpack, mm);

    public <U> void bcast(LongRange range, Function<T, U> pack, BiConsumer<T, U> unpack,
            CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        bcast(Collections.singletonList(range), pack, unpack, mm);

    public void clear() {
        // TODO
        // The super of clear() assums teamed operation of clear();

    private List<RangedList<T>> exportLocalChunks(List<LongRange> ranges) {
        // TODO
        // Should we check the overlaps in ranges?
        final ArrayList<RangedList<T>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final LongRange range : ranges) {
            forEachChunk(range, (RangedList<T> chunk) -> {
                final LongRange r0 = chunk.getRange();
                if (range.contains(r0)) {
                    addNewShared(here(), chunk);
                } else if (r0.from < range.from && > {
                    if (attemptSplitChunkAtTwoPoints(range)) {
                        final RangedList<T> c = getChunk(range);
                        addNewShared(here(), c);
                    } else {
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                } else {
                    final long splitPoint = (r0.from >= range.from) ? : range.from;
                    final LongRange rRange = (r0.from >= range.from) ? new LongRange(r0.from,
                            : new LongRange(range.from,;
                    if (attemptSplitChunkAtSinglePoint(new LongRange(splitPoint))) {
                        final RangedList<T> c = getChunk(rRange);
                        addNewShared(here(), c);
                    } else {
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
        return result;

    public void forEachSharedChunk(LongRange range, Consumer<RangedList<T>> func) {
        shared.forEachChunk(range, func);

    public void forEachSharedOwner(LongRange range, Consumer<T> func) {
        shared.forEachChunk(range, (RangedList<T> r0) -> {
            if (shared2owner.get(r0).equals(here())) {
                if (!range.contains(r0.getRange())) {
                    r0 = r0.subList(range);

    public void forEachSharedOwner(LongRange range, LongTBiConsumer<T> func) {
        shared.forEachChunk(range, (RangedList<T> r0) -> {
            if (shared2owner.get(r0).equals(here())) {
                if (!range.contains(r0.getRange())) {
                    r0 = r0.subList(range);

    public Place getSharedOwner(RangedList<T> chunk) {
        return shared2owner.get(chunk);

    protected void moveAtSync(final List<RangedList<T>> cs, final Place dest, final MoveManager mm) {
        // check or filter out shared ones.
        for (final RangedList<T> c : cs) {
        super.moveAtSync(cs, dest, mm);

    public <U> void reduce(List<LongRange> ranges, Function<T, U> pack, SerializableBiConsumer<T, U> unpack) {
        final CollectiveMoveManager mm = new CollectiveMoveManager(placeGroup());
        reduce(ranges, pack, unpack, mm);
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new Error("Exception raised during CachbleArray#reduce().");

    public <U> void reduce(List<LongRange> ranges, final Function<T, U> pack, final SerializableBiConsumer<T, U> unpack,
            CollectiveMoveManager mm) {
        final CachableChunkedList<T> toBranch = this;
        for (final Place p : placeGroup().places()) {
            if (p.equals(here())) {
            final List<RangedList<T>> chunks = searchSharedChunks(p, ranges);
            final Serializer serProcess = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
                for (final RangedList<T> chunk : chunks) {
                    chunk.forEach((T elem) -> {
            final DeSerializer desProcess = (ObjectInput ds) -> {
                final int n = ds.readInt();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    final LongRange range0 = (LongRange) ds.readObject();
                    if (!toBranch.containsRange(range0)) {
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
                                "The specified range seems to be remove from " + toBranch + " at " + here());
                    toBranch.forEach(range0, (T elem) -> {
                        final U diff = (U) ds.readObject();
                        unpack.accept(elem, diff);
            mm.request(p, serProcess, desProcess);

    public RangedList<T> remove(final LongRange r) {
        return super.remove(r);

    private List<RangedList<T>> searchSharedChunks(List<LongRange> ranges) {
        final ArrayList<RangedList<T>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final LongRange range : ranges) {
            shared.forEachChunk(range, (RangedList<T> r0) -> {
                if (range.contains(r0.getRange())) {
                } else {
        return result;

    private List<RangedList<T>> searchSharedChunks(Place owner, List<LongRange> ranges) {
        final ArrayList<RangedList<T>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final LongRange range : ranges) {
            shared.forEachChunk(range, (RangedList<T> r0) -> {
                if (shared2owner.get(r0).equals(owner)) {
                    if (range.contains(r0.getRange())) {
                    } else {
        return result;

    public void setProxyGenerator(Function<Long, T> func) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CachableChunkedList does not support proxy feature.");

    public void share() {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        share(Collections.singletonList(null), mm);

    public void share(CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        share(Collections.singletonList(null), mm);

    public void share(List<LongRange> ranges) {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        share(ranges, mm);

     * conduct broadcast operation on chunks that are not shared with other places
     * yet. The user must call each of the share methods of a cachable chunked list
     * in all the place belonging to the place group. This method should not be
     * called simultaneously with other collective methods. The caller place is
     * treated as the owner even if the chunks become shared.
     * Note 1: if you want to share all the local chunks, please call
     * {@code share()}. Note 2: if you want to specify multiple ranges, please use
     * {@code share(List<LongRange>)}. Note 3: if you don't want to share any local
     * chunks from the called place, please specify an empty range or an empty list
     * of ranges. Note 3: if you want to conduct relocate process of multiple
     * cachable chunked lists using the same ObjectOutput(Stream), please prepare an
     * instance of {@link CollectiveRelocator.Allgather} first and call the
     * relocation methods of the cachable chunked lists in the same order specifying
     * the collective relocator as a parameter, and finally call the execute method
     * of the relocator.
     * @param ranges The library scans the ranges and exports (the parts of) the
     *               local chunks in the ranges.
     * @param mm     You can relocate multiple cachable chunked lists using the same
     *               collective relocator, specified with {@code mm}.
    public void share(final List<LongRange> ranges, CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        final List<RangedList<T>> chunks = exportLocalChunks(ranges);
        final Serializer serProcess = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
        final DeSerializerUsingPlace desProcess = (ObjectInput ds, Place sender) -> {
            final List<RangedList<T>> received = (List<RangedList<T>>) ds.readObject();
            addNewShared(sender, received);
        mm.request(serProcess, desProcess);

    public void share(LongRange range) {
        final CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm = new CollectiveRelocator.Allgather(placeGroup());
        share(Collections.singletonList(range), mm);

    public void share(LongRange range, CollectiveRelocator.Allgather mm) {
        share(Collections.singletonList(range), mm);

    public ChunkedList<T> sharedChunks() {
        return new ChunkedList.UnmodifiableView<>(shared);

    public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
        final TeamedPlaceGroup pg1 = manager.placeGroup;
        final GlobalID id1 = id();
        return new LazyObjectReference<>(pg1, id1, () -> {
            return new CachableChunkedList<>(pg1, id1);

    // TODO
    // prepare documents for the following methods
    // getSizedistribution: only returns unshared
    // getDistribution: only returns unshared
    // getRangedDistribution: only returns unshared
    // TEAM: only support DistCol methods
