* Copyright (c) 2021 Handy Tools for Distributed Computing (HanDist) project.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available to you under
* the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution,
* and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
package handist.collections.dist;
import static apgas.Constructs.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import apgas.Place;
import apgas.SerializableJob;
import apgas.mpi.MPILauncher;
import apgas.mpi.MPILauncher.Plugin;
import apgas.util.GlobalID;
import apgas.util.SerializableWithReplace;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectInput;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectOutput;
import mpi.Comm;
import mpi.Datatype;
import mpi.Intracomm;
import mpi.MPI;
import mpi.MPIException;
* Represents a group of hosts and provides communication facilities between
* hosts.
* <p>
* There is always one {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} initialized which contains all
* the hosts involved in the computation. This instance can be obtained with
* method {@link #getWorld()}.
* <p>
* When creating distributed collections, the hosts that will handle the
* collections need to be specified with a {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} instance.
* Such distributed collections can either operate with all the hosts involved
* in the computation by using the the {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} returned by
* {@link #getWorld()}, or with a subset of the hosts gathered in a new
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} instance.
public class TeamedPlaceGroup implements SerializableWithReplace {
// TODO merge with ResilientPlaceGroup ?
private static final class ObjectReference implements Serializable {
/** Serial Version UID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1948016251753684732L;
private final GlobalID id;
private ObjectReference(GlobalID id) { = id;
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
return id.getHere();
public static boolean debugF = false;
static boolean isRegistered = false;
static private volatile CountDownLatch readyToCloseWorld;
static TeamedPlaceGroup world;
public static TeamedPlaceGroup getWorld() {
return world;
private static void readyToClose(boolean master) {
if (master) {
finish(() -> {
world.broadcastFlat(() -> {
} else {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("[TeamedPlaceGroup#readyToClose] Error: readyToClose was interrupted at rank ["
+ world.myrank + "]");
* Method that needs to be called on every host participating in the computation
* before the {@link MPILauncher} is started. This method registers a "plugin"
* with {@link MPILauncher#registerPlugin(Plugin)} which handles specific setup
* needed by the distributed collection library.
public static void setup() {
if (isRegistered) {
MPILauncher.registerPlugin(new Plugin() {
public void beforeFinalize(int rank, Comm comm) {
readyToClose(rank == 0);
public String getName() {
return TeamedPlaceGroup.class.toString();
public void init(int rank, Comm comm) throws MPIException {
isRegistered = true;
* Called by {@link MPILauncher} through the plugin submitted in method
* {@link #setup()}.
* @throws MPIException if such an exception is thrown during setup
private static void worldSetup() throws MPIException {
final int myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Rank();
final int size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Size();
final int[] rank2place = new int[size];
final Place here = here();
if (debugF) {
System.out.println("world setup: rank=" + myrank + ", place" + here + "::" +;
rank2place[myrank] =;
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allgather(rank2place, myrank, 1, MPI.INT, rank2place, 0, 1, MPI.INT);
for (int i = 0; i < rank2place.length; i++) {
if (debugF) {
System.out.println("ws: " + i + ":" + rank2place[i] + "@" + myrank);
GlobalID id;
if (myrank == 0) { // we could use here() as an alternative
id = new GlobalID();
final ByteArrayOutputStream out0 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutput(out0);
final byte[] buf = out0.toByteArray();
final int[] buf0 = new int[1];
buf0[0] = buf.length;
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Bcast(buf0, 0, 1, MPI.INT, 0);
readyToCloseWorld = new CountDownLatch(1);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Bcast(buf, 0, buf0[0], MPI.BYTE, 0);
} else {
final int[] buf0 = new int[1];
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Bcast(buf0, 0, 1, MPI.INT, 0);
final byte[] buf = new byte[buf0[0]];
readyToCloseWorld = new CountDownLatch(1);
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Bcast(buf, 0, buf0[0], MPI.BYTE, 0);
final ObjectInput in = new ObjectInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
try {
id = (GlobalID) in.readObject();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new Error("[TeamedPlaceGroup] init error at worker", e);
} finally {
world = new TeamedPlaceGroup(id, myrank, size, rank2place);
* PlaceLocalObject.make(places(), ()->{ return new TeamedPlaceGroup().init();
* });
* Direct access to MPI functions is absolutely discouraged. This member will be
* made private with intermediate access in the future.
* TODO this needs refactoring -> make this member private
public Intracomm comm;
private final GlobalID id;
final int myrank;
private TeamedPlaceGroup parent;
List<Place> places;
// int[] place2rank;
int size;
* Proctected constructor used by class {@link SinglePlaceGroup} exclusively
* <p>
* This constructor initializes the members of {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} such
* that a single place (the place on which this method is called) is contained
* in the group.
protected TeamedPlaceGroup() {
id = null;
myrank = 0;
size = 1;
places = new ArrayList<>(size);
comm = null;
* Constructor that builds a {@link TeamedPlaceGroup} instance which contains
* all the hosts that participate in the computation
* @param id a global id for this handle
* @param myrank the rank of this host in the world
* @param size number of hosts in the world
* @param rank2place correspondance array between {@link Place} number and MPI
* rank
protected TeamedPlaceGroup(GlobalID id, int myrank, int size, int[] rank2place) { // for whole_world = id;
this.size = size;
this.myrank = myrank;
places = new ArrayList<>(size);
// this.place2rank = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < rank2place.length; i++) {
final int p = rank2place[i];
places.add(new Place(p));
// place2rank[p] = i;
parent = null;
protected TeamedPlaceGroup(GlobalID id, int myrank, List<Place> places, Intracomm comm, TeamedPlaceGroup parent) { = id;
size = places.size();
this.myrank = myrank;
this.comm = comm;
this.places = places;
this.parent = parent;
public void Alltoallv(Object byteArray, int soffset, int[] sendSize, int[] sendOffset, Datatype stype,
Object recvbuf, int roffset, int[] rcvSize, int[] rcvOffset, Datatype rtype) throws MPIException {
if (false) {
comm.Alltoallv(byteArray, soffset, sendSize, sendOffset, stype, recvbuf, roffset, rcvSize, rcvOffset,
} else {
for (int rank = 0; rank < rcvSize.length; rank++) {
comm.Gatherv(byteArray, soffset + sendOffset[rank], sendSize[rank], stype, recvbuf, roffset, rcvSize,
rcvOffset, rtype, rank);
public void barrier() {
try {
} catch (final MPIException e) {
throw new Error("[TeamedPlaceGroup] MPI Exception raised.");
* Makes the specified job run on all the hosts of this {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}
* and returns when this it has terminated on all the hosts.
* @param job the job to run
public void broadcastFlat(SerializableJob job) {
finish(() -> {
for (final Place p : places()) {
if (!p.equals(here())) {
asyncAt(p, job);
public Place get(int rank) {
return places.get(rank);
* Returns the "parent" of this {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}, or {@code null} if
* there is no such parent
* @return the parent of this {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}
public TeamedPlaceGroup getParent() {
return parent;
* TODO is this method redundant? should we delete it?
* @return this
protected TeamedPlaceGroup init() {
// setup MPI
* if(!MPI.Initialized()) { throw new
* Error("[TeamedPlaceGroup] Please setup MPI first"); }
// setup arrays
// setup rank2place
// share the infromation
// set this to singleton
return this;
public List<Place> places() {
return places;
* Returns the MPI rank of the calling host in the current
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}.
* @return rank of this host within the {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}
public int rank() {
return myrank;
* Returns the MPI rank of the specified place in the current
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}. If the specified place is not a member of this
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}, throws a {@link RuntimeException}.
* @param place place whose rank is to be returned
* @return rank of this host within the {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}
* @throws RuntimeException if the specified place is not a member of this group
public int rank(Place place) {
final int result = places.indexOf(place);
if (result < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("[TeamedPlaceGroup] " + place + " is not a member of " + this);
return result;
// split, relocate feature
public void remove(GlobalID id) {
* Returns the number of hosts that are members of this
* {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}.
* @return number of hosts in the group
public int size() {
return size;
public TeamedPlaceGroup split(SortedMap<Integer, Integer> rank2color) {
try {
final int newColor = rank2color.get(myrank);
int newRank = 0;
final List<Place> newPlaces = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : rank2color.entrySet()) {
final int r = entry.getKey();
if (entry.getValue().equals(newColor)) {
if (r == myrank) {
newRank = newPlaces.size();
final Intracomm newComm = comm.Split(newColor, newRank); // MPIException
if (debugF) {
System.out.println("PlaceGroup split =" + newRank + ", place" + here() + "::" + here().id);
GlobalID id;
if (newRank == 0) {
id = new GlobalID();
final ByteArrayOutputStream out0 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutput(out0);
final byte[] buf = out0.toByteArray();
final int[] buf0 = new int[1];
buf0[0] = buf.length;
newComm.Bcast(buf0, 0, 1, MPI.INT, 0);
newComm.Bcast(buf, 0, buf0[0], MPI.BYTE, 0);
} else {
final int[] buf0 = new int[1];
newComm.Bcast(buf0, 0, 1, MPI.INT, 0);
final byte[] buf = new byte[buf0[0]];
newComm.Bcast(buf, 0, buf0[0], MPI.BYTE, 0);
final ObjectInput in = new ObjectInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
try {
id = (GlobalID) in.readObject();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new Error("[TeamedPlaceGroup] init error at worker");
} finally {
return new TeamedPlaceGroup(id, newRank, newPlaces, newComm, this);
* PlaceLocalObject.make(places(), ()->{ return new TeamedPlaceGroup().init();
* });
} catch (final MPIException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("[TeamedPlaceGroup] MPIException caught.");
* TODO: Is close() needed? What close() should do? public void close() {
* comm.Free(); }
* Creates a new TeamedPlaceGroup from this instance containing half of the
* places involved in this instance
* @return a new TeamedPlaceGroup
public TeamedPlaceGroup splitHalf() {
final TreeMap<Integer, Integer> rank2color = new TreeMap<>();
if (size() == 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"[TeamedPlaceGroup] TeamedPlaceGroup with size == 1 cannnot be split any further");
final int half = size() / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) {
rank2color.put(i, 0);
for (int i = half; i < size(); i++) {
rank2color.put(i, 1);
return split(rank2color);
public String toString() {
return "TeamedPlaceGroup[" + id + ", myrank:" + myrank + ", places:" + places() + "]";
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
return new ObjectReference(id);