* Copyright (c) 2021 Handy Tools for Distributed Computing (HanDist) project.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available to you under
* the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution,
* and is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
package handist.collections.dist;
import static apgas.Constructs.*;
import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import apgas.Constructs;
import apgas.Place;
import apgas.util.GlobalID;
import apgas.util.SerializableWithReplace;
import handist.collections.dist.util.IntLongPair;
import handist.collections.dist.util.LazyObjectReference;
import handist.collections.dist.util.MemberOfLazyObjectReference;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectInput;
import handist.collections.dist.util.ObjectOutput;
import handist.collections.function.DeSerializer;
import handist.collections.function.SerializableConsumer;
import handist.collections.function.Serializer;
import handist.collections.glb.DistMapGlb;
import mpi.MPI;
import mpi.MPIException;
* A Map data structure spread over the multiple places.
* @param <K> type of the key used in the {@link DistMap}
* @param <V> type of the value mapped to each key in the {@link DistMap}
public class DistMap<K, V>
implements Map<K, V>, DistributedCollection<V, DistMap<K, V>>, KeyRelocatable<K>, SerializableWithReplace {
public class DistMapGlobal extends GlobalOperations<V, DistMap<K, V>> {
DistMapGlobal(DistMap<K, V> handle) {
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
final TeamedPlaceGroup pg1 = localHandle.placeGroup();
final GlobalID id1 = localHandle.id();
return new MemberOfLazyObjectReference<>(pg1, id1, () -> {
return new DistMap<>(pg1, id1);
}, (handle) -> {
return handle.GLOBAL;
public class DistMapTeam extends TeamOperations<V, DistMap<K, V>> {
public DistMapTeam(DistMap<K, V> handle) {
public void size(long[] result) {
final TeamedPlaceGroup pg = handle.placeGroup;
final long localSize = data.size(); // int->long
final long[] sendbuf = new long[] { localSize };
// team.alltoall(tmpOverCounts, 0, overCounts, 0, 1);
try {
pg.comm.Allgather(sendbuf, 0, 1, MPI.LONG, result, 0, 1, MPI.LONG);
} catch (final MPIException e) {
throw new Error("[DistMap] network error in balance()");
public void updateDist() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* public void setupBranches(Generator<T,U> gen) { final DistMap<T,U> handle =
* this; finish(()->{ placeGroup.broadcastFlat(()->{ gen.accept(here(), handle);
* }); }); }
// TODO implements Relocatable
private static int _debug_level = 5;
* Implementation of the local Map collection
protected Map<K, V> data;
/** Handle for GLB operations */
public final DistMapGlb<K, V> GLB;
public final DistMap<K, V>.DistMapGlobal GLOBAL;
final GlobalID id;
public transient float[] locality;
public final TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup;
private Function<K, V> proxyGenerator;
public final DistMap<K, V>.DistMapTeam TEAM;
* Construct an empty DistMap which can have local handles on all the hosts in
* the computation.
public DistMap() {
* Construct a DistMap which can have local handles on the hosts of the
* specified {@link TeamedPlaceGroup}.
* @param pg the group of hosts that are susceptible to manipulate this
* {@link DistMap}
public DistMap(TeamedPlaceGroup pg) {
this(pg, new GlobalID());
* Package private DistMap constructor. This constructor is used to register a
* new DistMap handle with the specified GlobalId. Programmers that use this
* library should never have to call this constructor.
* <p>
* Specifying a GLobalId which already has object handles registered in other
* places (potentially objects different from a {@link DistMap} instance) could
* prove disastrous. Instead, programmers should only call {@link #DistMap()} to
* create a distributed map with handles on all hosts, or
* {@link #DistMap(TeamedPlaceGroup)} to restrict their DistMap to a subset of
* hosts.
* @param pg the palceGroup on which this DistMap is defined
* @param globalId the global id associated to this distributed map
DistMap(TeamedPlaceGroup pg, GlobalID globalId) {
placeGroup = pg;
id = globalId;
locality = new float[pg.size];
Arrays.fill(locality, 1.0f);
this.data = new HashMap<>();
GLOBAL = new DistMapGlobal(this);
GLB = new DistMapGlb<>(this);
TEAM = new DistMapTeam(this);
// Method moved to TEAM and GLOBAL operations
// @Override
// public void distSize(long[] result) {
// TeamedPlaceGroup pg = this.placeGroup;
// long localSize = data.size(); // int->long
// long[] sendbuf = new long[] { localSize };
// // team.alltoall(tmpOverCounts, 0, overCounts, 0, 1);
// try {
// pg.comm.Allgather(sendbuf, 0, 1, MPI.LONG, result, 0, 1, MPI.LONG);
// } catch (MPIException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// throw new Error("[DistMap] network error in balance()");
// }
// }
* Remove the all local entries.
public void clear() {
* Return true if the specified entry is exist in the local collection.
* @param key a key.
* @return true is the specified object is a key present in the local map,
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return data.containsKey(key);
* Indicates if the provided value is contained in the local map.
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
return data.containsValue(value);
boolean debugPrint() {
return true;
* Removes the provided key from the local map, returns {@code true} if there
* was a previous obejct mapped to this key, {@code false} if there were no
* mapping with this key or if the mapping was a {@code null} object
* @param key the key to remove from this local map
* @return true if a mapping was removed as a result of this operation, false
* otherwise
public boolean delete(K key) {
final V result = data.remove(key);
return (result != null);
* Return the Set of local entries.
* @return the Set of local entries.
public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
return data.entrySet();
* Apply the specified operation with each Key/Value pair contained in the local
* collection.
* @param action the operation to perform
public void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) {
if (!data.isEmpty()) {
public void forEach(SerializableConsumer<V> action) {
private void forEachParallelBodyLocal(SerializableConsumer<V> action) {
final List<Collection<V>> separated = separateLocalValues(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2);
for (final Collection<V> sub : separated) {
async(() -> {
* Return the element for the provided key. If there is no element at the index,
* return null.
* When an agent generator is set on this instance and there is no element at
* the index, a proxy value for the index is generated as a return value.
* @param key the index of the value to retrieve
* @return the element associated with {@code key}.
public V get(Object key) {
final V result = data.get(key);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (proxyGenerator != null && !data.containsKey(key)) {
return proxyGenerator.apply((K) key);
} else {
return null;
public Collection<K> getAllKeys() {
return keySet();
* Returns a subset of the keys contained in the local map. If the specified
* number of keys is greater than the number of keys actually contained in the
* local map, the entire keyset is returned. If a nil or negative number of keys
* is asked for, an empty collection is returned.
* @param count number of keys desired
* @return a collection containing the specified number of keys, or less if the
* local map contains fewer keys than the specified parameter
private Collection<K> getNKeys(int count) {
if (count <= 0) {
return Collections.emptySet();
final ArrayList<K> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (final K key : data.keySet()) {
if (count == 0) {
return keys;
return data.keySet();
public GlobalOperations<V, DistMap<K, V>> global() {
return GLOBAL;
public GlobalID id() {
return id;
// TODO remove this method, we already have #putAll
public void integrate(Map<K, V> src) {
for (final Map.Entry<K, V> e : src.entrySet()) {
put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
* Indicates if the local distributed map is empty or not
* @return {@code true} if there are no mappings in the local map
public boolean isEmpty() {
return data.isEmpty();
* Return the Set of local keys.
* @return the Set of local keys.
public Set<K> keySet() {
return data.keySet();
public float[] locality() {
return locality;
* Apply the same operation on the all elements including remote places and
* creates a new {@link DistMap} with the same keys as this instance and the
* result of the mapping operation as values.
* @param <W> result type of mapping operation
* @param op the map operation from type <code>V</code> to <code>W</code>
* @return a DistMap from <code>K</code> to <code>W</code> built from applying
* the mapping operation on each element of this instance
public <W> DistMap<K, W> map(Function<V, W> op) {
throw new Error("not supported yet");
* return new DistMap<T,S>(placeGroup, team, () -> { val dst = new
* HashMap<T,S>(); for (entry in entries()) { val key = entry.getKey(); val
* value = entry.getValue(); dst(key) = op(value); } return dst; });
public void moveAtSync(Collection<K> keys, Place pl, MoveManager mm) {
if (pl.equals(Constructs.here())) {
final DistMap<K, V> collection = this;
final Serializer serialize = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
final int size = keys.size();
for (final K key : keys) {
final V value = collection.remove(key);
final DeSerializer deserialize = (ObjectInput ds) -> {
final int size = ds.readInt();
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
final K key = (K) ds.readObject();
final V value = (V) ds.readObject();
collection.putForMove(key, value);
mm.request(pl, serialize, deserialize);
public void moveAtSync(Distribution<K> dist, MoveManager mm) {
final Function<K, Place> rule = (K key) -> {
return dist.place(key);
moveAtSync(rule, mm);
public void moveAtSync(Function<K, Place> rule, MoveManager mm) {
final DistMap<K, V> collection = this;
final HashMap<Place, List<K>> keysToMove = new HashMap<>();
collection.forEach((K key, V value) -> {
final Place destination = rule.apply(key);
if (!keysToMove.containsKey(destination)) {
keysToMove.put(destination, new ArrayList<K>());
for (final Map.Entry<Place, List<K>> entry : keysToMove.entrySet()) {
moveAtSync(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), mm);
* Request that the specified element is relocated when #sync is called.
* @param key the key of the relocated entry.
* @param pl the destination place.
* @param mm MoveManagerLocal
public void moveAtSync(K key, Place pl, MoveManager mm) {
if (pl.equals(Constructs.here())) {
final DistMap<K, V> toBranch = this;
final Serializer serialize = (ObjectOutput s) -> {
final V value = this.remove(key);
final DeSerializer deserialize = (ObjectInput ds) -> {
final K k = (K) ds.readObject();
final V v = (V) ds.readObject();
toBranch.putForMove(k, v);
mm.request(pl, serialize, deserialize);
public void moveAtSyncCount(final ArrayList<IntLongPair> moveList, final MoveManager mm) throws Exception {
for (final IntLongPair pair : moveList) {
if (_debug_level > 5) {
System.out.println("MOVE src: " + here() + " dest: " + pair.first + " size: " + pair.second);
if (pair.second > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new Error("One place cannot receive so much elements: " + pair.second);
moveAtSyncCount((int) pair.second, placeGroup.get(pair.first), mm);
public void moveAtSyncCount(int count, Place dest, MoveManager mm) {
if (count == 0) {
moveAtSync(getNKeys(count), dest, mm);
public void parallelForEach(SerializableConsumer<V> action) {
private void parallelForEachLocal(SerializableConsumer<V> action) {
finish(() -> {
public TeamedPlaceGroup placeGroup() {
return placeGroup;
* void teamedBalance() { LoadBalancer.MapBalancer<T, U> balance = new
* LoadBalancer.MapBalancer<>(this.data, placeGroup); balance.execute();
* if(debugPrint()) System.out.println(here() + " balance.check1"); clear();
* if(debugPrint()) { System.out.println(here() + " balance.check2");
* System.out.println(here() + " balance.ArrayList.size() : " + data.size()); }
* long time = - System.nanoTime(); time += System.nanoTime(); if(debugPrint())
* { // System.out.println(here() + " count : " + (count) + " ms"); //
* System.out.println(here() + " put : " + (total/(1000000)) + " ms");
* System.out.println(here() + " for : " + (time/(1000000)) + " ms");
* System.out.println(here() + " data.size() : " + size());
* System.out.println(here() + " balance.check3"); }
* }
void printLocalData() {
// TODO different naming convention of balance methods with DistMap
* Put a new entry.
* @param key the key of the new entry.
* @param value the value of the new entry.
* @return the previous value associated with {@code key}, or {@code null} if
* there was no mapping for {@code key}.(A {@code null} return can also
* indicate that the map previously associated {@code null} with
* {@code key}.)
public V put(K key, V value) {
return data.put(key, value);
* Abstractovdef create(placeGroup: PlaceGroup, team: TeamOperations, init:
* ()=>Map[T, U]){ // return new DistMap[T,U](placeGroup, init) as
* AbstractDistCollection[Map[T,U]]; return null as
* AbstractDistCollection[Map[T,U]]; }
* public def versioningMap(srcName : String){ // return new
* BranchingManager[DistMap[T,U], Map[T,U]](srcName, this); return null as
* BranchingManager[DistMap[T,U], Map[T,U]]; }
* Adds all the mappings contained in the specified map into this local map.
public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
private V putForMove(K key, V value) {
if (data.containsKey(key)) {
throw new RuntimeException("DistMap cannot override existing entry: " + key);
return data.put(key, value);
* Reduce the all elements including other place using the given operation.
* @param <S> type of the result produced by the reduction operation
* @param lop the operation using in the local reduction.
* @param gop the operation using in the reduction of the results of the local
* reduction.
* @param unit the zero value of the reduction.
* @return the result of the reduction.
public <S> S reduce(BiFunction<S, V, S> lop, BiFunction<S, S, S> gop, S unit) {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet.");
* val reducer = new Reducible[S]() { public def zero() = unit; public operator
* this(a: S, b: S) = gop(a, b); }; return finish (reducer) {
* placeGroup.broadcastFlat(() => { offer(reduceLocal(lop, unit)); }); };
* Reduce the all elements including other place using the given operation.
* @param op the operation.
* @param unit the neutral element of the reduction.
* @return the result of the reduction.
public V reduce(BiFunction<V, V, V> op, V unit) {
return reduce(op, op, unit);
* Reduce the all local elements using the given operation.
* @param <S> type of the result produced by the reduction operation
* @param op the operation used in the reduction
* @param unit the neutral element of the reduction operation
* @return the result of the reduction
public <S> S reduceLocal(BiFunction<S, V, S> op, S unit) {
// TODO may be build-in method for Map
S accum = unit;
for (final Map.Entry<K, V> entry : data.entrySet()) {
accum = op.apply(accum, entry.getValue());
return accum;
public void relocate(Distribution<K> rule) throws Exception {
relocate(rule, new CollectiveMoveManager(placeGroup));
public void relocate(Distribution<K> rule, CollectiveMoveManager mm) throws Exception {
for (final K key : data.keySet()) {
final Place place = rule.place(key);
// if(place==null) throw SomeException();
moveAtSync(key, place, mm);
public void relocate(Function<K, Place> rule) throws Exception {
relocate(rule, new CollectiveMoveManager(placeGroup));
public void relocate(Function<K, Place> rule, CollectiveMoveManager mm) throws Exception {
for (final K key : data.keySet()) {
final Place place = rule.apply(key);
moveAtSync(key, place, mm);
* Remove the entry corresponding to the specified key in the local map.
* @param key the key corresponding to the value.
* @return the previous value associated with the key, or {@code null} if there
* was no existing mapping (or the key was mapped to {@code null})
public V remove(Object key) {
return data.remove(key);
private List<Collection<V>> separateLocalValues(int n) {
final List<Collection<V>> result = new ArrayList<>(n);
final long totalNum = size();
final long rem = totalNum % n;
final long quo = totalNum / n;
if (data.isEmpty()) {
return result;
final Iterator<V> it = data.values().iterator();
List<V> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
final long count = quo + ((i < rem) ? 1 : 0);
for (long j = 0; j < count; j++) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
return result;
* Sets the proxy generator for this instance.
* <p>
* The proxy will be used to generate values when accesses to a key not
* contained in this instance is made. Instead of throwing an exception, the
* proxy will be called with the attempted index and the program will continue
* with the value returned by the proxy.
* <p>
* This feature is similar to {@link Map#getOrDefault(Object, Object)}
* operation, the difference being that instead of returning a predetermined
* default value, the provided function is called with the key.
* @param proxy function which takes a key "K" as parameter and returns a "V",
* or {@code null} to remove any previously set proxy
public void setProxyGenerator(Function<K, V> proxy) {
proxyGenerator = proxy;
* Return the number of the local entries.
* @return the number of the local entries.
public int size() {
return data.size();
public TeamOperations<V, DistMap<K, V>> team() {
return TEAM;
public String toString() {
final StringWriter out0 = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(out0);
out.println("at " + here());
for (final Map.Entry<K, V> e : data.entrySet()) {
out.println("key : " + e.getKey() + ", value : " + e.getValue());
return out0.toString();
* Returns all the values of this local map in a collection.
public Collection<V> values() {
return data.values();
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {
final TeamedPlaceGroup pg1 = placeGroup;
final GlobalID id1 = id;
return new LazyObjectReference<>(pg1, id1, () -> {
return new DistMap<>(pg1, id1);