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handist collections library

A Java distributed collections library.

Documentation / Information

master head Javadoc
Test Coverage Report
v1.3.0 May 11th 2022: Fourth release of the library
Test Coverage Report
Maven Report
v1.2.0 March 4th 2022: Third release of the library
Test Coverage Report
Maven Report
v1.1.0 October 16th 2021: Second release of the library
Test Coverage Report
Maven Report
v1.0.0 March 27th 2021: First release of the library
Test Coverage Report
Maven Report

Compiling projects with this library as a dependency

Our library comes in the form of a Maven project.

Its artifacts can be downloaded automatically from JitPack. Alternatively, you can clone this repository and run mvn install to install this library to your local Maven repository.

In either case you will then be able to use this project as a dependency with groupId: com.github.handist artifactId: collections.

Program execution

We rely on MPI to support the various communication patterns used by our library. We use the MPJ-Express library as the intermediary compatibility layer between Java and the “native” C MPI calls. It is necessary to compile the ``native’’ part of this library prior to execution. Fortunately, this is thoroughly explained in the MPJ-Express documentation.

To launch a program written with our library, follow this general pattern:

mpirun -np 4 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} \\ 
	java -cp collections-v1.3.0.jar:program.jar \\
	-Djava.library.path=${MPJ_HOME}/lib \\ 
	handist.collection.launcher.Launcher \\
	${MAIN_CLASS} firstArgument secondArgument

Build instructions (MAVEN)

Compiling the project

We use Maven to compile and test the library. As of version v1.3.0, we use a Maven multi-module project. The core of our library which you will want to import into your project is in module “core”.

You can compile the library from source by checking it out with github and running command mvn package. This will create two java archives under folder core/target/:

Running the tests

There are two kinds of tests for this project:

The former are bound to the test phase of the standard lifecycle of Maven. You can run them without any prerequisite using the mvn test. They will also be run when generating the Java ARchive with mvn package.

The distributed tests are not enabled by default. In order to run them, you need MPI and the “native” MPJ-Express library installed on your system. To run the tests, use command mvn verify -PmpjNative. The “mpjNative” profile requires that the MPJ_HOME environment variable be defined appropriately. For more details, we refer you to the compilation instructions of the MPJ library


This Java libraries relies on a number of libraries:

This work was inspired by the distributed collections library of X10. You can check this project named “Cassia” there: cassiaX10lib@github.

The following programs rely on this library:
